September 21, 2010

Second International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies For High Performance Applications from 7 Dec 2010 - 10 Dec 2010

 FISAT in association with IEEE, CSIR and CSI Presents the


"Advanced Computing and Communications Technologies for High Performance Applications"

Date: 7th Dec 2010 – 10th Dec 2010.
For more details visit

About the Conference
The International Conference, "Advanced Computing and Communications Technologies for High Performance Applications", focuses on the communication requirements of the systems directly induced or required by high performance computing systems. An essential element of modern day distributed and high performance computing system is the trade-off in the amount of computation versus the amount of communication performed. Certain applications are inherently communication-intensive. In others, communication steps may be replacable with local computations and vice versa. At the same time, system's resources may support large communication requirements. In some other systems, physical or power constraints may limit the communication support.
This conference is motivated by the fact that parallel computing on a network of computers using commodity components has received much attention recently, thereby leading to noticeable progress towards usable systems. A number of researchers in academic and industry have been active in this field of research. Recently, HPC has been moved into wide areas of applications including cluster-based supercomputers, such as data warehouses, line-of-business (LOB) applications and transaction processing. Parallel solutions dramatically improve the performance of image processing and simulations using new computing and communication technologies. Developing software for simulations of physical processes poses particular challenges, because of the advanced mathematical models that are used when describing the problems to be solved. 
December 7 - 10,2010 | FISAT.

Delegates Rs.4000/-
Delegates (Student Category) Rs. 2500/

Get in touch:
Phone: 0484-2616267, Mob: 9995419343

Who's Who ? 


Dr.Paulose Jacob | Dr.Achuthshankar S Nair | Dr.V.Cyril Raj | Dr.Babu Sundar | Mr. Manoj Franklin | Professor Rajkumar Buyya | Professor Vladimir Getov, PhD.

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Gary S. H.TAN, PhD | Dr. Lakshmi M | Mr. George Mattathil | Dr. Priya Chandran | Dr MadhuKumar S D | Dr. R Sabitha | Mr. M P Sebastian | Dr. Paulose Jacob.

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