1) Completed Projects under the CHPC
Towers of Hanoi
The tower of hanoi problem is based on the ancient tower of brahma virtual. Three tower exist and n disk of decreasing order of size are stacked on the source tower in the decreasing order of size bottom to top. The objective is to move the n disks from the source tower to designation tower using another tower as auxiliary. Only the top disk on any tower may be moved to any other tower. In addition, at no time can a larger disk rest on the top of a smaller disk. The problem is implemented using C/C++. The existing serial code are parallelized and to be implemented in HPC.Face Search Using Google
The project face search using google is all about retrieving images from google based on a search topic and to produce the face images alone as output. The languages used for developing this project are C and PHP. PHP is made use of the access to Google and to retrieve the imaged searched for. The image thus obtained are stored in a local folder. To obtain the images having faces in them, open CV library of C language is used.Eye OS IRC Chat Client
EYE OS is an internet based operating system. This project is to develop and design internet relay char(IRC) channel for EYE OS using languages PHP and Ajax. PHP is a server side language. It can handle HTTP request sent using the GET and POST methods. PHP is full-fledged programming language that brings power to web applications. Ajax stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML. Ajax may be used to access external resources from a web page without loading it. It is primary technology used in facebook, gmail etc.Traveling Salesman Problem
This project is to find a tour of minimum cost. A path starting at a given node going through every node exactly once and finally returning to the starting node is called a tour. This is to be implemented using C/C++ language using parallelized algorithm.Eye OS MYSQL IDE
EYEOS is a platform for web application created to make application development easy. It is a homogeneous platform for programmers to develop their web application using PHP code.Job Allocation And Monitoring Using DRMAA
DRMAA is a high level open grid forum API specification for the submission and control of jobs to one or more distributed resource management system within a grid architecture. Sun grid is used in the high performance computing cluster and is responsible for accepting, scheduling, dispatching and managing the remote and distributed execution of large number of stand alone parallel or interactive user jobs.Parallel Web Server
A client server model is used in implementing the idea of parallel web server. The client will be requested for a web page and the server responds to it, which forms the web server. Parallel web server means that multiple servers will be responding to the clients.EYE OS C IDE
The aim of this project is developing a C integrated development environment or C IDE for Eye operating system.Eye OS LDAP Integration
The project aims to provide authentication and security to EYE operating system using LDAP. LDAP is Light Weight Directory Access Protocol. The user who intends to work on EYE OS submits his user-id and password and will be logged in, if match found.Virtual Box Web Interfacing
Virtual box web interfacing is an interface that facilitates running of multiple operating systems simultaneously. Project aims at creating an interface between the virtual box and a remote computer through the web.Basic Linear Algebra Library
In this project, any problem is considered as a linear equation. These equation are represented using a matrix. The task of solving the equation is divided and given to a number of computers which are arranged as a cluster for faster and accurate calculation.HPC Control Panel
HPC control panel consists of both hardware and software systems. The objective is to control the 40 nodes of Dhakshina (supercomputer, FISAT)-Cluster Series II, arranged in 8 racks. The hardware section consists of switches to control the nodes in each rack. The software section consists of a program to monitor the working of the control panel.CLI For Virtual Box Headless
A computer can start or stop an operating system of another system using commands. Virutal box contains more than one operating system. In this project command line interface is used to control the virtual box.Dynamic DNS
The Dynamic DNS is used to assign addresses to the system as they power up.In addition, this helped conserve the address space available, since not all devices might be actively used at all times and addresses could be assigned as needed .Also the load on the different web server will be different. So the request has to be routed to the appropriate server .Lan Span - Network Managment and Monitoring tool
The LAN Span enables the administrator to view the machines over a network and to control them from a remote location. The application has to be least dependent on the network topology and the platforms of the machines in the network. LAN Span is such an application which uses the python Application Program Interface to control the machines. The application provides a web based interface with dynamic update features using the AJAX technology .The application allows remote monitoring of the system load, the users in the network, the devices in the system etc .Parallel Beam Forming System
Beam forming is a signal processing technique used in sensor arrays for directional signal transmission or reception. The present sequential algorithm has been implemented using single processor systems. More flexibility can be obtained by parallelization of tasks. Open mpi is used to parallelize the task and share libraries.Parallel Bench Marking
This project evaluates the performance of HPL benchmark with different linear algebra libraries in Dhakshina Cluster Series II. HPL is a software package that solves a (random) dense linear system in double precision (64 bits) arithmetic on distributedmemory computers. The HPL package provides a testing and timing program to quantify the accuracy of the obtained solution as well as the time it took to compute it. An implementation of linear algebra libraries such as BLAS(Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) or GotoBLAS are also needed for executing HPL.Parallel File System
It has implemented a file system, a scalable distributed file system for large distributed data-intensive applications. It provides fault tolerance while running on inexpensive commodity hardware, and it delivers high aggregate performance to a large number of clients. It consists of a master server and many sub servers. Upon request from the client master server redirects the client to the sub server with least load.Web Server
A web search engine searches for information over the web, based on keywords entered by the user. A web search engine consist of many modules like web crawler, parser, database, page ranking mechanism, search algorithm etc. Python programming language has been used to code each module as python offers great features and Python facilitates a disciplined approach to computer-program design.2) On-going Projects under the CHPC
The UAV ( Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ) will have propellor driven single engine, with custom built airframe. The engine used is a two-stroke aero-engine, with automatic accelerometer and gyroscope based Stabilisation & Landing Circuit. It will have three control surfaces-two ailerons and rudder.Sociable Robot
A social robot is an autonomous robot that interacts and communicates with humans or other autonomous physical agents by following social behaviour and rules attached to its role. This definition suggests that a social robot must have a physical embodiment (screen characters are excluded). Recently, some robots that use a screen to display the robot's head have been developed. Such a machine is on the borderline of being a robot. If the body only functions as a holder for the screen, then such a system cannot be considered as a robot. However, if the body has some physical motoric and sensoric abilities then such a system could be considered as a robot.Proposal For 'AGE' - A Third Dimension In Web Pages
This aims at proposing a special tag to the header by thich the search engine can compare the ages of the web pages with the title that satisfies the user query along with the cached data so that most recent relevant valid data is provided to the user thus making the search engines more user friendly.3-D Object Tracking
This project aims at tracking the movement of an object in 3-D space using ultrasonic sensors and OpenGL. The distance information of the ultrasonic transmitter, i.e, the object from the three receivers fixed on the monitor is fed to the computer via serial port. The distance information is then decoded to get the co-ordinates of the object. They are then used to plot the object with OpenGL. OpenGL is the industry's most widely used, supported and best documented 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional graphics API, making it inexpensive and easy to obtain information about implementing OpenGL in hardware and software.Microcontroller Based Arrhythmia Detector
The goal of this project is to create an ECG monitoring and alert system that can detect cardiac abnormalities such as tachycardia, bradycardia and possibly other arrhythmias. The design of this system is greatly influenced by a specific set of users, and hence, is tailored towards them and their environment. Our inspiration comes from the experiences we had, growing up in a developing country where the rules of the healthcare system are very different from that of the western world. Most places have little to no infrastructure and there is a lack of basic amentities such as water, food, electricity, hospital - things that come standard in the western world. Since there is no reliable source of constant power supply, and there is a lack of medical equipment, this project focuses on the design of a portable, low power, and low cost alternative to the sophisticated cardiac monitoring systems that are found in most hospitals in the western world. These systems would be easy to operate, easy to transport and would be used to monitor admitted patients in these areas - patients who unfortunately can’t afford the luxury of accommodation in the few well-equipped hospitals that exist in their locale.This device would also prove invaluable in a war zone. Injured soldiers close to the front line may need cardiac monitoring at the on-site medical facility. In a situation like this, where there is need for something portable, inexpensive, and reliable, this system will be able to provide some level of temporary cardiac monitoring.
HPC Control Panel
In the project HPC Control Panel, we have implemented a control panel which can be used to switch on or off various computers in a network, by a single switch press, using a monitoring node. This reduces the overhead of switching on and off computers individually. This enhances the simplicity in using cluster computers. Along with this, it shows the status of the computers in the network with the help of LEDs. This serves the purpose of a monitoring panel as well.The High Performance Computing Centre of FISAT baptized as DHAKSHINA CLUSTER SERIES II consists of 40 nodes and 2 servers, arranged in 6 racks. The control panel is designed in such a way that the systems in each rack can be switched on and off with the help of the switches provided in the panel. All the 40 nodes and 2 servers can also be switched on and off from the panel. The panel also monitors the status of the nodes and servers. This monitoring is not just based on the switch press. That means, even if we have not pressed any switch, the panel displays the current status. And the status is updated even if we switch on or off the systems individually. The status of the systems are also updated in the database of Dhakshina.
The hardware used in the project are microcontroller - ATMEGA8, RS232 for serial communication, LEDs of three different colours - red, green & blue to indicate the status of the systems, switches to enable user interaction.
Helmet Mounted Targeting System
The aim of this project is to develop a modern and contemporary weapon discharge platform that can dominate in insurgent and terrorist scenarios and lay down the basics for the evolution of a similar but faster reacting and flexible platform in the future. The project also aims at a careful study of the feasibility, advantages and limitations of such an objective.The HMTS aims to provide a new direction of weapon-soldier interfacing. The underlying philosophy is one of absolute integration of the capabilities of the weapon into the being of the soldier.
The ability to designate a target at a mere glance and to engage it with a few finger movements is the ultimate capability that a short range weapon can have. This is the result that HMTS ultimately hopes to achieve.
Pong Gaming Console
Pong was a popular video game in the 1980s. Pong is a two-dimensional game which simulates table tennis. The player controls an in-game paddle by moving it vertically across the left side of the screen, and can compete against either a computer controlled opponent or another player controlling a second paddle on the opposing side. Players use the paddles to hit a ball back and forth. The aim of the player is to earn more points than the opponent; points are earned when one fails to return the ball to the other.In this console, the gamer can play with the joystick as in conventional videogames. The circuit consists of 4 sections. The first section is the pong board with an 8x8 LED matrix and two 8-LED strips for pad section. A decoding section is provided to decode the entire 8x8 LED matrix. The controlling is done by two ATMEGA8 microcontrollers. The function of the first microcontroller is dedicated for game purpose only. The second microcontroller controls the entire funtioning of the gaming console. It controls the game and displays the score, level and life. The fourth section is the LCD display section for displaying the score, life and level.
Computing Node Resource Supervisor Operating system
For the efficient utilization of resource available in HPC a new approach based on parent-child paradigm is implemented. Here the child nodes runs in CNRS and parent node in traditional OS.A virtualization layer manages the CNRS. CNRS is a system software responsible for exporting CPU and memory of child to parent virtual layer through a network..Scheduler The CNRS scheduler is used to find the best scheduling policy for a network resource manager that improves network utilization and minimizes blocks for the CNRS Operating system. It implements scheduling such that the load in the networks are balanced in a cost effective way. It adopts advanced scheduling algorithms such that best resource optimization can be achieved.
Memory mapping The memory management part is the most important part of the CNRS operating system. It is used to map different physical address of files and data to a virtual address space obtained.
Network The CNRS Network helps to manage the network system for the CNRS operating system. It manages the network by effectively planning various network management tasks such as Authorization, Monitoring the health and status of the devices, Load sharing, Security management, Bandwidth Management etc.